Friday, January 21, 2011

Dari Membakut, Sabah

16cm x 12 cm
Luar: Peach dan merah hati + "Happy birthday!" (hanging) + butang
Dalam: Laid paper putih + nama birthday girl + birthdate + jendela kecil
Dalam lagi: Ucapan ringkas tapi bermakna "I hope this birthday will be the best one yet, in every delightful way" + "I hope lots of birthday fun comes your way"

.: Requested by Azlie, together with a book, SB001. Thanks! :.

>> telah diposkan pada 240111 <<

1 comment:

Ezairy said...

wah..publish pl..hihi..not bad la wak..ok je tu..simple2 je kan..hihi thanx ya..:)sian awk pening nk ikut mcm design sy bagi tu..hihi